Требования к оформлению статей

Guidelines for the authors
The paper should be from 3 to 7 pages, format A-4 (including UDC, abstract, keywords, photographs, graphics, tables, bibliography, etc.). The text of the paper should be proofread. Materials are published in author’s edition, the authors are responsible for the scientific and theoretical levels of published material.

The text should be typed in Microsoft Word, on sheets of A4 standard size (21.0 * 29.7 cm). Page Setup: top margin — 2,5 cm, bottom margin — 2.8 cm (distance from the edge of the sheet to the footer — 2.0 cm), left margin — 2.5 cm, right margin — 2.5 cm.

UDC is affixed on the left edge (14 pt font TimesNewRoman) according to the electronic reference book UDC http://teacode.com/online/udc/. Title of the article is printed in capital letters on the center line; point at the end of the header is not set (the font TimesNewRoman 14 pt, bold). Authors’ names are typed in lowercase (small) under the title of the article on the right, without specifying scientific degree and academic title of the author, initials placed before the name; if there are several authors, the names printed on a single line separated by commas. Below are separated by commas country, city, organization (TimesNewRoman font 14 pt, italic, bold). The main text is typed TimesNewRoman 14 pt, single-spaced, red line — 0.7 cm.

Abstract and keywords typed in 13 pt TimesNewRoman (offset from the left margin — 3 cm, the red line — 0.7 cm).

Between the article’s title, authors, abstract and text of the paper there should be one blank line. You must set automatic hyphenation.

In preparing the paper, do not use line breaks, more than one consecutive space, explicit hyphenation with hyphens, and so on.

In formulas, size and style of mathematical symbols must have the same size and weight of the same characters in the main text.

Captions and tables are typed using font TimesNewRoman 13 pt. All figures and tables should be referenced in the text. All graphs, charts, diagrams and other illustrative material posted in the article are in good quality, black and white, because used black-and-white printing.

References shall be made in alphabetical order according to GOST 7.1-2003. References should be given in square brackets.

Page numbers are not listed.

ATTENTION! The journal will be included in RSCI. Individual registration of the paper should be made in the e-library account of your organization after you log in the Scientific Electronic Library, eLibrary.ru.